Sunday, 21 January 2018

Myths and truth about snakes

Interesting facts to know about snakes

We might have been told about stories and tales about snakes through years.Many of these have been passed from generation to generation.But now you all are going to find the truth.


If a snake`s body get severed,it can re-attach it`s body -and live-as long as the sun is not down,because, according to some myths a snake only dies if the sun sets then it can not re-attach itself.Reptiles do not generate limbs.However, some amphibians do:lizards,frogs,salamanders.If you cut a snakes head off-It`s DEAD! However a snakes head can still bite and still can inject venom into it`s victim.Just because a snake looks dead,it doesn`t mean that it`s nerves are too.

In tales,nagas deceived Garuna to get AMRITA(nectar of immortality)from the moon.But Indra take the pot of Amrita from the nagas.Nagas found the pot missing and they feverishly tried to lick up the drops of nectar that had fallen on the darbha grass on which the pot had been kept.They didn`t get much nectar,but sharp blades of grass slit their tongues.Snakes ever since have had forked tongues.

              Snakes smell with the help of their tongues and an organ of smell called Jacobson`s organ in the roof of the mouth.


Some people believe that you can be hypnotized by snakes or able to hypnotize the snake yourself.Many would believe this to be true of cobra.This is not true.the cobra appears to be hypnotized when distracted by another object in front of it.This is how cobra entertainers are able to touch/kiss the cobra on the back of thier head/hood.We might have been told about stories and tales about snakes through years.Many of these have been passed from generation to generation.But now you all are going to find the truth.

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